Artist Statement

My work showcases nature existing within metropolitan environments; weathered fences, graffiti tags, corroding metal or flora thriving in spite of commercial development. Mainly drawing from my own localities, I focus on the beauty of manmade components in proximity with natural elements. I revel both in the exquisite erosion of our man-made constructs and at the doggedness of a dandelion growing up through concrete. Keenly aware that as our society evolves with the times, our environment is impacted; certain utilitarian items are no longer necessary and quietly disappear from our urban landscape. I aim to preserve these moments and memories in my ongoing works of “urban vignettes”
Artist Bio

Raised in Calgary, AB, Melanie grew up creative and curious. Her artistic leanings eventually led to her enrolment at ACAD where she studied in the Visual Communications program. Her design skills and manual aptitude landed her in the professional picture framing industry where she incorporates all aspects of her art education. The framing business keeps her connected with artists and the arts community, enhances her own art practice and supports her (outrageous!) addiction to art collecting and framing. Melanie paints regularly in her studio and is a member of a painting society.